Monday, January 09, 2006

Congressman Boustany tries to have it both ways...

In Breaking news, Congressman Boustany is trying to calm the flames beneath his feet with regards to the tainted money he has accepted from Ney, Cunningham and Delay. In a press release today the Congressman states:

"These contributions were lawfully made, properly donated and reported, and have
in no way influenced my decision making," Boustany, R-Lafayette, said in a press
release. "My decisions have been and will continue to be made in the best
interest of the 7th Congressional District. However, some are attempting to use
the issue of these funds to question my integrity."

I could have respected him if he would have kept with his statement he made on Wednesday night, basically that these people have only been indicted and that doesn't mean there was a crime and besides that money was accurately reported.

OR I could have respected him even MORE if he would have said - "To assure my constituents and to avoid any appearance of impropriety I am donating this money."

Instead the congressman seems to want to have it both ways. In a classic Karl Rove move he blames all of this on "some are attempting to use the issue..." rather than placing blame those who are currently being investigated. Ofcourse he nor his party could do ANYTHING wrong, ever. (One is reminded of the now famous question of the President when asked what he would do differently - and he claimed nothing.)

We had hoped that during the Congressman's campaign that his words were true - infact that is why many democrats voted for him... that he was an independent thinker and that he would always do what is right for Louisiana's 7th no matter what his party says. Well one year down in the Congressman's term and 99% of the time he has voted with Delay - so here is yet another person who has sold his soul to the highest bidder.

I think it is time for a change... we can't take another year like this one, Mr. Boustany.

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